I picked this game up the day it came out, and couldn't put it down till I defeated the final boss. The writing, storytelling, and humor is some of the best I've experienced in a video game and the game serves as an excellent tribute to the movie. The controls are very tight, and there were no issues with the camera. The characters are accurately represented, complete with voice overs from the real Ghostbusters.
If you enjoy shooters, you'll probably appreciate the twist that this game presents on the traditional shooter. The game is in the third person perspective, and you usually work alongside one or more of the other Ghostbusters. The game has you stun, slime, and slam ghosts using a unique control scheme that, as a comparison, might mirror a fishing type game, where you struggle to reel one in. Similarly, in Ghostbusters, you grab a hold of a ghost, and wrench it back and forth until you fatigue it enough so that you can capture it in your ghost box.
The graphics and sound effects in the game are very well done. The environments throughout the game are nicely varied, and the story really wants to make you keep playing. The game lasted a good 10 hours, however, you should take into account the fact that I take my time with games, and many of you would probably beat it in less time. By the time I finished the game, I was really wishing that it would be a bit longer, although I felt that the game did its job by providing an excellent tribute to the Ghostbusters series. Completing this game really whet my appetite for a new Ghostbusters movie, and hopefully a sequel to this surprisingly immersive experience that truly throws you right into the middle of what feels like a third Ghostbusters film.
Check out the note at the bottom of this review for multiplayer impressions (I only spent a couple hours online in the game).
+ Couldn't ask for a better tribute to the movie
+ Excellent graphics & sound effects that really capture you and make you feel like a Ghostbuster
+ Great voice overs from the actors from the real movies
+ Story is intriguing & feels like the third film
+ An expansive arsenal of guns that are all fun to use
- A bit too short
Note: I only played the multiplayer for a little while, and the mode I played was sort of a take off on territories. It involved guarding a beacon from ghosts that were featured in the single player mode with about 3 other online teammates. Essentially, the goal of the gametype was to accumulate the highest score by taking down the most ghosts. The mode was fun, but not something I could see myself playing regularly with games like Halo 3 and COD around.
Gameplay: 9.5/10
Graphics: 9.5/10
Sound: 10/10
Multiplayer: 6/10
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